Parents » School Safety

School Safety

McKinley has an extensive and well defined school safety plan that is revised on an annual basis.  The plan is available for parents to review in the school office.  In addition to the suspension and expulsion guidelines that are sent home in the first day packet, we would like to highlight a few of the important items that you or your child should be aware of regarding school safety.
McKinley Elementary is a TOBACCO FREE ZONE.  That means that there are no tobacco products of any kind allowed on school property.
The following are brief explanations of the reasons for which a student may be suspended or recommended for expulsion:
  • Caused physical injury to another.
  • Possessed or furnished a firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object.
  • Possessed, used or sold controlled substances.
  • Offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance.
  • Committed or attempted to cause damage to school or private property
  • Stole or attempted to steal school or private property.
  • Possessed or used tobacco or tobacco products.
  • Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
  • Possessed or arranged to sell drug paraphernalia.
  • Disrupted school activities or willfully defied authority of teachers.
  • Knowingly received stolen school or private property.
  • Committed sexual harassment, (grade 4 and 5 only).
Student safety is of the utmost importance to us.  That is why we maintain a closed campus during the instructional day and ask that all visitors, including parents, report to the school office before entering the campus, i.e. cafeteria lunch payment.  Parents and other authorized visitors will be given a special name tag that identifies them as a person who is allowed to be on campus.  Those persons who do not have a special name tag are approached by staff and invited to the school office.

Arrival and Dismissal Information


One of our main goals at McKinley Elementary School is to ensure the safety of all students.   In order to continue to keep our students safe, the following procedures have been developed.   

Students who participate in the breakfast program may arrive on campus at 7:45am, through the “Blue (Main) Gate”.

  • Students, not eating breakfast in the cafeteria, should arrive at school between 8:00 and 8:25am.
  • Students, grades 1-5 are to enter the school, using the “Blue (Main) Gate” and proceed to the cafeteria (grades 1-3) or to the lunch shelter (grades 4-5).
  • Students in grade 1 will be dismissed out the Kinder Gate.
  • Students in grades 2-5 will be dismissed out the Blue (Main) Gate.
  • Kindergarten students’ arrival and pick-up occur at the Kindergarten Gate.
  • Kindergarten students are to be walked by a parent or guardian to the Kindergarten gate at 8:30am for the beginning of school.
  • Kindergarten students are to be met by the parent or guardian at the 2:10pm dismissal.
  • Parents or guardians are to pick up their children within 10 minutes of dismissal time. Students, with an earlier dismissal time than their siblings or daycare friends, must be under their parent/guardian’s supervision while waiting for the later dismissal time.  Students may not wait on campus, as there is no supervision between dismissals.
  • All students who have not been picked-up by a parent/guardian and do not have prior permission by their parent to walk home are to report to the office.
2018-19 Safety Plan