Academics » 1:1 Technology

1:1 Technology

Technology Mission Statement


The mission of the technology committee is to support the implementation of the Single Plan for Student Achievement by utilizing innovative technology to increase student success in math and English Language Arts for all students.  The committee’s responsibility are:

  • Assess current technology and advise on a continual basis to address the needs of instruction.
  • Meet regularly to collaborate on technology policies and address the concerns of staff.
  • Communicate changes in policies and procedures to staff.
  • Explore, encourage and support innovative technology use and practices.
  • Encourage, provide and support professional development as needed by staff.

Vision for Technology


In the essence of McKinley’s mission to provide a full, rich educational experience for all students, we envision educational technology as a means to achieve this goal.   Technology will be accessible and effectively supported for all students and staff to provide the following:


All students are effectively using technology aligned to Core Standards.
  • All teachers are trained and supported to use instructional technology.
  • All students will develop Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship appropriate for their grade level.
  • All students and teachers must have equal access to the tools of technology with a 1:1 ratio of computers to students.
  • A tool to close the achievement gap by supporting creativity, communication of ideas, critical-thinking skills, and collaboration.
We are pleased to announced that McKinley Elementary was the first school in San Gabriel Unified School District to be 1:1 in student to computer ratio.  Since then, every school in SGUSD is 1:1 in devices. Every student at has equal access to an instructional device whether it is an iPad, a chrome book, and/or both.  We believe that we must prepare our student to be college and career ready and be proficient in our 6 competencies of our Portrait of a Graduate.  Every classroom from transitional kindergarten to 2nd grade is equipped with 30 iPads.  Every grade level have their own specific apps tailored to improve student achievement.
Some of the iPad Apps available to student include but are not limited to the follow:
  • Raz Kids
  • Splash Math
  • Easy Book Creator
  • iReady
  • Green Screen
  • SeeSaw
  • IXL Math
  • Wonders Math and Reading
Every classroom from 3rd grade to 5th grade is equipped with 36 chrome books.  Students have their own Google accounts and have access to the Google office suites.  They are able to do word processing, create spreadsheets, and presentations from their chrome books or any device that is connected the internet.  Student are also able to communicate and submit class assignments and homework through a teacher created Google Classroom.  
As we evolve and adapt to changes in educational technology, our 1:1 model also changes accordingly.