School Guidelines and Helpful Information
Beginning the first day of school, breakfast and hot lunches are provided daily in the Multipurpose Room. Breakfast cost $1.00. Primary and upper grade lunch costs $2.50 this year. Milk may be purchased for $.30 or juice for $.50 each. Parents may pay for breakfast or lunch in the morning in the cafeteria or using the website
The free lunch program will be in effect the first day of school. If your child participated in this program at the end of the school year he/she will be eligible the first week of school. Free lunch applications will be sent home the first week of school. These applications must be completed as soon as possible in order for your child to be eligible.
Release of Students
All parents should check their child out through the school office when their child is to be dismissed at a time other than regular dismissal. Children will NOT be released to anyone except a parent or guardian, unless otherwise requested by written notice. Children are not allowed off the school grounds without permission from the principal's office.
In case of illness or other absence, please phone the school office and send a note back to the teacher when your child returns. Children should NOT come to school if they show signs of a cold, temperature, or headache.
Whenever you change your phone number, address, or business, please notify the school office, (626)288-6681. It is important that you keep the emergency cards up-to-date. There may come a time when we must locate you because of illness, accident, or other emergency.
Bicycles may be ridden to school by 4th and 5th grade students only. Bicycles are to be properly locked to prevent them from being taken from the grounds. Skateboards/In-line skate/scooters are NOT TO BE RIDDEN to McKinley Elementary since they present a safety or storage problem.
To/From School
Students are to come directly to school in the morning and return directly home after school. When dropping children off at school, please stop at the curb in front of the Multipurpose Room along the drop-off zone and have children use the crosswalk. If you are dropping students off along the the kindergarten area, please be safe and use the crosswalk if you are across the street. If you must enter the school, please park in the parking lot, Fisk, or Lime and go to the office to check in.
Please mark all look articles of clothing and lunch boxes plainly with your child's name. A lost and found service is provided inside the multipurpose room. Students should not wear open toed shoes or sandals to school. Clothes should be appropriate for school, keeping in mind such factors as safety, the weather, and any particular planned activity at school. Please consult the District Dress Code in your first day packet for additional guidelines.
School Library
Please encourage your child to use the library, care for and return books on time. We have selections in Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Korean. Please be sure to take a few moments to read with and to your child. We also encourage the use of the San Gabriel Public Library.
School Visits
Parents are cordially invited to visit McKinley Elementary at any time. Please make an appointment prior to your visit to your child's class. Please check through the office first. We will give you a visitor's pass at that time. This is to ensure the safety of all your children.
If a child is taking medication that is prescribed to be taken during school hours, parents and physician signatures are required on FORM H-32. The medication must be kept in the health office.
Health Office
A school health aide is on duty at McKinley Elementary every day from 8:30am-4:15pm. During the school year the children are weighed and measured. Hearing, dental, and vision testing are also done. If any difficulty is found in these areas, you will be notified.
Homework Guidelines
Grades K-1 10-20 minutes
Grades 2-3 20-30 minutes
Grades 4-5 40-60 minutes
Reporting to Parents
During the fall, teachers, will be inviting parents to school for a conference. At that time, you will be given a written report of your child's achievement. You will also receive a report card at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester to keep you informed of your child's progress. If you should have any questions about your child's performance at any time during the school year, please contact your child's teacher, either by note or phone call and they will be happy to set up a time to meet with you to discuss your concerns. Your child's academic success is our primary purpose and a partnership of school and home is the best way to ensure success.
Parent Participation
There is a very active and involved PTA known as PEP at McKinley Elementary. They provide many services to our school. Through the efforts of PEP and the School, a quality education and environment are provided to benefit all students on campus. Please visit our PEP link for more information and join today. Areas where help is needed include room parents, fund-raisers, the book fair, and many more.
Parents can become involved at McKinley in ways other than PEP. We have School Site Council that meets each month. It is composed of elected staff and parents who help set the direction for the school.