Xing-He, Sharon » Welcome to 4th Grade!

Welcome to 4th Grade!

Dear McKinley Families,


Welcome to Fourth Grade!  We have many exciting learning activities planned for this school year.  


Since you are a valuable member of our team, we believe in working together to meet your child’s needs, to foster a love of learning, and to ensure your child’s academic success.  We would like to have on-going, consistent communication with you.  We send home a weekly report every Thursday, to let you know how your child is doing.  We also send home a monthly newsletter, to keep you informed as to what we will be covering in class and to remind you of any important dates.  We communicate daily, so please feel free to contact either of us.  


If you have any talents or resources that you would like to share with our class, or if you would like to volunteer, please let us know.  


We look forward to a wonderful, memorable year!  Thank you for your support!


Mrs. Xing-He and Mrs. Sunabe