Welcome McKinley Mustangs!

Hello McKinley Students and Families. Welcome to ART!
I am excited about this school year. This year is a SPECIAL year because I have transitioned to ART from teaching STEM for the past 2 years. I will be here at McKinley, in addition to also teaching ART at Roosevelt Elementary. 
We will build our independent ART skills, learn about various ARTISTS and TECHNIQUES, use various MEDIUMS, and learn about the ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES of ART!
In addition, we will build our classroom community within each ART class session, both horizontally across the grade level and vertically across McKinley.
Each grade will have ART lessons that reflect the CA Arts Standards: https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/caartsstandards.pdf in conjunction with San Gabriel Unified School District's Portrait of a Graduate (POG). These 6 POG Competencies will be threaded throughout our learning to help each elementary scholar strive to be a: Creative Thinker, Collaborator, Global Citizen, Empathetic, Communicator, and Resilient. https://sites.google.com/view/sgusd-portraitofagraduate/home
ART and ARTIST behaviors lesson sources include SGUSD's Curriculum Adoption for Art: FLEX Curriculum and University of Art Education (but not exclusively).
*DBL- Design Based Learning Methodology
*GLAD strategies
*denotes additional support strategies that are implemented based on trainings and certifications