Welcome McKinley Mustangs!

Hello McKinley Students and Families. Welcome to STEM!
STEM is the acronym that stands for Science Technology Engineering Mathematics. 
I am excited about this school year. This year is a SPECIAL year. We will be building our classroom community within each STEM Lab class session, as well as horizontally across the grade level and vertically across McKinley.
Each grade will have STEM lessons that are grounded in the Common Core Math Standards (CCSS) and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) embedded with a focus to address the San Gabriel Unified School District's Portrait of a Graduate (POG). These 6 POG Competencies will be threaded throughout our learning to help each elementary scholar strive to be a: Creative Thinker, Collaborator, Global Citizen, Empathetic, Communicator, and Resilient.
SGUSD Curriculum Adoptions
Math- CCSS, McGraw-Hill MY MATH  Mathematics complemented/reinforced with *CGI (Cognitively Guided Instruction) strategies
Science- NGSS, complemented by MYSTERY SCIENCE lessons
*DBL- Design Based Learning Methodology
*GLAD strategies
*denotes additional support strategies that are implemented based on trainings and certifications