Nguyen, Tuoi » Welcome to McKinley Elementary School

Welcome to McKinley Elementary School

It is with great pleasure and honor that I serve our school, students, parents, and community.  Before I came to McKinley, I was a high school math and science teacher for 13 years.  During that time, I served as a PAR teacher, BTSA provider, WASC chair, lead teacher, and presented several professional development workshops.  I also have a Masters in Educational Technology and a Masters in Education.  All of these events have prepared me for my current position as Assistant Principal here at McKinley.  I still have more to learn and will do my best to service the needs of our students.  We have a wonderful dedicated and committed staff that is well prepared to educate your child.  Please feel free to contact me about any concerns or suggestions you may have.  Have a great 2016-17 school year.